Welcome to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Roman Catholic Church! Bienvenidos a St. Margaret Mary Alacoque una Iglesia Catolica Romana!

"The Catholic Community of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish, witnesses, proclaims and shares the Good News of Jesus Christ. We live our baptismal call to holiness by reaching out in charity to those in need, deepening our faith through celebration of the sacraments and building a community of Disciples for the honor and glory of God".

If you would like to register at our parish, please complete this Registration Form (by clicking here) and either mailing it to 801 N. Grande Ave. Tucson, AZ, 85745, e-mailing it to parishstmargaret@gmail.com, faxing it to 520-882-8022 or you may drop it into the collection basket during Mass. We welcome you and hope to meet you!

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish Community

P.S. For some interesting historical facts about our church, click here.



Mass Times

Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30AM (English)
Liturgy of the Hours 8:10AM

Tuesday/Martes & Thursday/Jueves 8:30AM (Español)
Liturgia de las Horas 8:10AM

8:30AM (English)
5:30PM Vigil (English)
6:30AM (English)
8:30AM (Español)
10:30AM (English)
12:30PM (Español)

Saturday/Sabado 4pm-5:15pm
or by appointment/o poner una cita

Call within one month in advance
Llamar con un mes de anticipación

Call within one year in advance
Llame con un año de anticipación

Call at least six (6) months in advance
Llamar con seis meses de anticipación

Anointing of the Sick & Holy Communion/
Uncion de los Enfermos y Sagrada Comunión:
Call the Parish Office as soon as possible
Llame a la Oficina Parroquial lo mas pronto posible

Office Hours

Monday-Wednesday/Lunes-Miercoles - 8:15AM - 4:30PM
(closed for lunch 2:30PM-3PM) Monday & Tuesday
(oficina cerrada 2:30PM-3PM) Lunes y Martes)
Thursday/Jueves - 8:15AM - 1:00PM

Parish Receptionist:
Connie De La Ossa
Compliance Officer:
Position Open


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